
2 July 2024

Intergalva 2024 - Bruges

691 delegates and exhibition personnel from 56 countries participated in Intergalva 2024 in Bruges from 10-14 June. Organised by EGGA and hosted by Zink Info Benelux. Read more here.
19 June 2019
The European galvanizing industry has acknowledged the outstanding contribution of two people to the activities of the industry’s European organisation. The prestigious EGGA Pin was awarded to Holger Glinde (Germany) and Lello Pernice (Italy) during the European General Galvanizers Association’s Assembly 2019 recently held in Antwerp.
16 May 2019
The conference programme for EGGA Assembly 2019 can now be viewed.
7 March 2019
There are excellent opportunities for suppliers of plant, equipment, process chemicals and other services to the industry to raise their profile at EGGA's Assembly 2019 through gold or silver sponsor packages or a display table.
6 March 2019
Registration is now open for Assembly 2019 - to be held at the Hilton Old Town Antwerp, 11-13 June 2019. Organised by EGGA together with Zinkinfo Benelux, Assembly 2019 is your opportunity to discuss the latest developments in the galvanizing industry and its customers, including reports on EGGA activities.
22 January 2019
We are changing our usual schedule due to the Whit Monday holiday on 10 June. Assembly 2019 will begin with lunch. The Welcome Drinks & Dinner will take place on Tuesday 11 June.
6 December 2018
Organised by EGGA together with Zinkinfo Benelux, Assembly 2019 is your opportunity to discuss the latest developments in the galvanizing industry and its customers, including reports on EGGA activities. Assembly 2019 is open to anyone whose company is a member of an EGGA national galvanizers association.
21 September 2018
The Global Galvanizing Awards have been presented at Intergalva 2018 to recognise the innovative use of batch galvanized steel by architects, engineers, constructors and artists around the world.
21 September 2018
Over 700 conference delegates and 300 other participants from 60 countries made Intergalva 2018 the most extensive gathering ever held for the batch hot dip galvanizing industry.
30 November 2017
On 28 November 2017, a large delegation of industry representatives participated in a visit to Parliament and Lunch with MEPs, organised by the European General Galvanizers Association (EGGA) and the International Zinc Association-Europe.
13 November 2017
The European General Galvanizers Association has published an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for ‘Batch Hot Dip Galvanizing of Steel Products to EN ISO 1461 – European Average’.
21 June 2017
The European General Galvanizers Association has elected Martin Kopf (Zinkpower Group & Chairman, Industrieverband Feuerverzinken, Germany) as its new President.
22 February 2017
EGGA has joined 125 other European industry associations to call for an ambitious EU industrial strategy. The ‘Joint Declaration for an Ambitious EU Industrial Strategy’ was released on 17 February 2017.
26 October 2016
Organised by EGGA together with Asociace českých a slovenských zinkoven (ACSZ), Assembly 2017 will discuss the latest developments in the galvanizing industry and recent EGGA activities. Assembly 2017 will feature conference sessions with simultaneous translation, visits to local galvanizing plants and a social programme.
16 June 2016
Over 170 delegates from 24 countries attended EGGA Assembly 2016 in Sevilla, 6-9 June 2016 to hear the latest developments in Europe’s batch hot dip galvanizing industry.
17 March 2016
EGGA Assembly 2016 has been organised in conjunction with Asociación Técnica Española de Galvanización (ATEG) and will be a unique opportunity to hear the latest developments in the galvanizing industry and to follow the progress of important activities within EGGA.
23 December 2015
On 10 November 2015, a delegation of industry representatives, organised by the European General Galvanizers Association (EGGA) and International Zinc Association-Europe, have visited the Parliament.
1 July 2015
This year’s Intergalva 2015 conference brought together some of the most prominent business and industry leaders in the global galvanizing industry, as well as distinguished academics and experts from universities, industry and other organisations including World Steel, International Zinc Association, Siemens Wind Power and Tata Steel Construction.
9 May 2015
Over 400 people from 49 countries have already taken the decision to attend Intergalva 2015. With more galvanizing industry delegates joining each day, the overall attendance is set to exceed expectations once again.

European General 
Galvanizers Association

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