There are excellent opportunities for suppliers of plant, equipment, process chemicals and other services to the industry to raise their profile at EGGA's Assembly 2019 through gold or silver sponsor packages or a display table.
EGGA would like to thank the following sponsors who have already committed their support for Assembly 2019:
Gold Sponsors: Rezinal Nv and Everzinc. Rezinal are sponsors of the Assembly Dinner.
Silver Sponsors: KVK Koerner, AD Chemicals and Mefiag. Scheffer Krantechnik and W. Pilling Riepe GmbH & Co. KG are Silver Sponsors and are also sponsoring the Assembly 2019 Party.
The Assembly Dinner will take place on Tuesday 11 June at the Horta Restaurant and is sponsored by Rezinal Nv. Situated in the heart of Antwerp, the Horta restaurant is the perfect place to get a taste of the art nouveau décor signed by Belgium’s renowned architect, Victor Horta.
New for 2019 is the ‘Assembly Party’ on 12 June at the Felix Warehouse. Sponsors already include Scheffer Krantechnik and W. Pilling Riepe. Features include the presentation of the Benelux Trophy BBTV and live music. The Felix warehouse is one of the most striking examples of Antwerp's warehouses from the 19th century. The Assembly Party will be a relaxing and fun networking opportunity for all participants.
Network with other participants at Assembly 2019 by downloading and logging in to the event App. The App enables delegates to contact each other through the App before and during the event. The App also provides access to up-to-date and important event information all in one place. The Assembly 2019 App will be launched shortly and will only be available to registered delegates.
Interested in Sponsorship?
Contact Kimberley Warner (