
Galvanizing Standards

The International and European Standard for Batch Hot Dip Galvanizing - EN ISO 1461:2022

Batch galvanizing of steel structures and components is easily specified using EN ISO 1461:2022 ‘Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles — Specifications and test methods’.

EN ISO 1461:2022 (fourth edition), technically revising the third edition (EN ISO 1461:2009), is now published. Get copy here.

Guidance on Design and Specification of Articles to be Batch Hot Dip Galvanized – EN ISO 14713-2

EN ISO 14713-2: 2019 ‘Guidelines and recommendations for the protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures — Zinc coatings — Part 2: Hot dip galvanizing’ gives guidance for engineers and steel fabricators to ensure that steelwork is properly designed to be safely and efficiently hot dip galvanized. Detailed information is provided on the provisions for venting and draining of components in a way that ensures escape of air and access for molten zinc. Attention to these simple details ensures complete coverage of the coating and, importantly, prevents explosion risks during processing. Get a copy here.

Guidance on the Durability and Life Expectancy of Batch Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings – EN ISO 14713-1

EN ISO 14713-1: 2017 ‘Guidelines and recommendations for the protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures — Zinc coatings — Part 1: General principles of design and corrosion resistance’ contains valuable information on the life expectancy of galvanized coatings – including conservative predictions based on first-year zinc corrosion rates derived from ISO 9223’s classification of atmospheric corrosivity (note that more realistic, longer-term, corrosion rates are given in ISO 9224). EN ISO 14713-1 also provides information on corrosion performance of zinc coatings in other exposure situations, including in soils, water and in contact with other materials. Get a copy here.

Other Standards

Galvanized Reinforcement for Concrete – EN 10348

This is the European standard for the specification of batch hot dip galvanized reinforcing steel for concrete. Galvanized reinforcing steel can be used to provide more durable concrete structures and/or reduce the concrete cover that would otherwise be needed to ensure durability requirements for concrete. The standard has been developed in CEN/TC459/SC4 with EGGA’s support as a liaison member of the Committee. Get a copy here. 

Development of Standards for Galvanizing

The ISO standards for galvanizing mentioned above are developed within ISO Technical Committee 107, Metallic and other inorganic coatings, Subcommittee 4, Hot dip coatings (galvanized, etc.). EGGA provides the secretariat for this ISO committee with Murray Cook, Executive Director, EGGA as Chairman and Dr Vasile Rus, Manager – Technical and Standards as Committee Manager. The committee enjoys the active involvement of many EGGA member associations and other partner associations from outside Europe.

EGGA’s standards work is managed under the Technical and Research Committee with detailed work done in the EGGA Standards Working Group.

EGGA and European Standardisation

In addition to EGGA’s role as Secretariat to ISO/TC107/SC4 and engagement in other ISO committees, EGGA enjoys an active participation in European standardisation as an official Partner of CEN. EGGA presently has representation in the following CEN work areas:

TC54 'Unfired Pressure Vessels'TC229 'Precast Concrete Products'
TC53 ‘Temporary Works Equipment’TC250 ‘Structural Eurocodes’
TC106 ‘Wire Rod and Wires’TC250/SC2/WG1/TG10 'Durability'
TC135 ‘Execution of Steel Structures and Aluminium Structures’TC250/SC2 ‘Eurocode 2 – Design of Concrete Structures’
TC135/WG2 ‘Technical Requirements for the Execution of Steel Structures’TC250/SC3 ‘Eurocode 3 – Design of Steel Structures’
TC135/WG15 ‘EN 1090-1, Requirements for Conformity Assessment of Structural Components’TC262/WG2 ‘Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings’
TC135/WG17 ‘Product Category Rules Complementary to EN 15804 for Steel and Aluminium Structural Products and Other Metal Products for Use in Construction Works.’TC351 ‘Construction Products – Assessment of Release of Dangerous Substances’
TC139/WG8 ‘Powder Organic Coatings for Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Products’TC351/WG1 'Release from Construction Products into Soil, Ground Water and Surface Water'
TC165 ‘Waste Water Engineering’TC459/SC3 ‘Structural Steels Other than Reinforcements’
TC186 ‘Industrial Thermoprocessing Equipment’ TC459/SC4 ‘Concrete Reinforcing and Pre-stressing Steels’
TC209 'Zinc and Zinc Alloys'TC459/SC4/WG2 ‘Galvanized Reinforcing Steels’
TC226 ‘Road Equipment’ CLC/TC213/WG5 'Cable Tray Systems and Cable Ladder Systems'
TC226/WG1 'Crash Barriers, Safety Fences, Guard Rails and Bridge Parapets'

EGGA and International Standardisation

Either through national associations or in its role as Secretariat of ISO/TC107/SC4, EGGA participates in the following ISO committees:

ISO/TC2/SC14 'Surface Coatings'ISO/TC156 'Corrosion of Metals and Alloys Functions'
ISO/TC17/SC16 'Steels for the Reinforcement and Prestressing of Concrete'ISO/TC156/WG4 'Atmospheric Corrosion Testing and Classification of Corrosivity of Atmosphere'
ISO/TC17/SC17 'Steel Wire Rod and Wire Products'ISO/TC156/WG6 'General Principles of Testing and Data Interpretation'
ISO/TC35 'Paints and Varnishes'ISO/TC156/WG7 'Accelerated Corrosion Tests'
ISO/TC35/SC9 'General Test Methods for Paints and Varnishes'ISO/TC156/WG11 'Electrochemical Test Methods'
ISO/TC35/SC14 'Protective Paint Systems for Steel Structures'ISO/TC156/WG15 'Corrosion Rates of the Embedded Steel Reinforcement in Concrete'
ISO/TC35/SC12 'Preparation of Steel Substrates before Application of Paints and Related Products'ISO/TC167 'Steel and Aluminum Structures'
ISO/TC107 'Metallic and Other Inorganic Coatings'

For further information on EGGA’s work on standardisation contact: Dr Vasile Rus, Manager – Technical and Standards,

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