Plant Visits

Optional visits to galvanizing plants are offered on Wednesday 21 June. All visits will depart and from the Imlauer Pitter Hotel only. Places on plant visit groups are limited and will be allocated strictly in order of receipt of registration. Book early to avoid disappointment. Plant visits are only available for delegates who register for the Assembly. It is not allowed to take part in the plant visits only. There may be some access limitations for delegates from some companies for commercial reasons.

EGGA is grateful to Zinkpower, Collini and OTN for opening their plants to Assembly delegates.

Choose from the following 2 options:

Group 1: Zinkpower Bergheim, OTN Sankt Georgen & Collini Bürmoos

Depart Hotel: 08:30

Return Hotel: 17:45 (drop off at Salzburg Airport at 17:15)

Price: €55

For more information about each plant in Group 1, click on the plant name to download PDF.

Group 2: Zinkpower Vorchdorf & Zinkpower Bergheim

Depart Hotel: 09:15

Return Hotel: 16:30 (drop off at Salzburg Airport at 16:00)

Price: €55

For more information about each plant in Group 2, click on the plant name to download PDF.



By registering for plant visits, delegates accept that visits to galvanizing plants are at their own risk. Whilst EGGA and the owners of the plants have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of visitors, neither EGGA nor the owners accept liability for loss or injury, however caused.

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